Saturday, December 20, 2008

Mele Kalíkímaka!

So yeah....I was lucky enough to get a little preview of a tropical climate this past week on Kaua'i...wasn't half bad..I'm sure alot of y'all know that Kaua'i is referred to as the "Garden Isle" and being as recieves quite a bit of rain especially in December. We got hit pretty good the first few days. Roads were flooded...beaches receded etc. The highlight of the trip was visiting Waiemea Canyon on the west side. I found it more visually appealing than the Grand Canyon as it has more diverse colors with waterfalls. I made sure to head up there at daybreak and had some fun going double the speed limit in our rented Mazda 3 around many curves. I also gave another crack at surfing when I took a lesson the second to last day. My surf instructor, Sparky, was a pretty laid back dude. He kinda showed up late and then sorta half assed the lesson it seemed. Getting up on a foam long board at the beginner's beach in Poipu was a good enough takeaway though. Surfing is definetly tough. It's going to take a lot of discipline and patience as 80% of it is paddling your ass off for a reward of a short ride..especially for beginners! I'll be curious to see what conditions are like at various points in Brasil. Before I leave there, I want to be good enough to actually be able to have good control on my lines w/ turning and definitely experience being inside of a tube. That would be spectacular. Oh yes also w/ Kauai you can be sure to ditch your alarm clock (as if you'd want to use it there!) because the huge population of Roosters will certainly do the job for you! Apparently there was a hurricane back in '92 that sprung loose a bunch of cocks....and they've sorta multiplied... Anyhoo I wish everybody an awesome Christmas! It's too bad that the inclement weather has nixed some last opportunities to do so personally, but have a happy new years (you can be sure that I'll be going nuts in Copacabana!) One week and counting down..... Tchau!

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