Saturday, August 15, 2009

Coming full circle....(the end)

Planning is cool! I am all about grasping the paradox between serendipity and free-will fo' sho'. Since returning to the States in June, I have made good on a long held "domestic" dream of relocating to the Bay Area. I was even able to find a decent living situation!! It turns out that my trip down here last October was very influential on my direction. I am not sure how long I will live in this area but I do plan on enjoying it to the fullest while I am here! As for my plans well....things are kind of general for now and I hope to formulate some details as I go. I would like to pursue my interests academically (Music, Portuguese, International studies, finance etc...) and shore up some areas which I feel I need more knowledge. All the while this is going on in probably the most international city in the US besides NY (unfortunately it only loses to NY in terms of costly living as well....) Everywhere I go I run into native Portuguese speakers and they always give me compliments...all the while the sun is shining....the girls are cuter....the hipsters are was tough leaving Seattle but.....this was definitely the right move for me at this time....and if it hits the fan...the 206 wouldn't be the worst place to come back to.....(Californicated of course)

I am already getting ideas of a possible return to Brasil. I would need some more objective parameters to go off of though. Perhaps I could teach english for a month or so in Floripa....and spend another month traveling in areas that I haven't been to (Porto Alegre, the Pantanal, the area between the northern cities of São Luis and Fortaleza) There are other priorities to deal with we'll see.

I hope everyone has liked keeping tabs on the greatest period of my life!! (Of course I couldn't divulge all of the details...) I am sure to come back and check this baby out every once in awhile if I need a pick me up....or just to remind myself how lucky I am. I wish you all well and hope to have inspired those with the will to travel abroad to get the itch just a wee bit more....


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Oh yeah the blog....

[As written on June 1st 2009] So this is the end of the road. How appropriate that it occurs where it all began here in Rio de Janeiro. It was a pleasant memory; that of the laid back vibe which permeates from the pores of this place. I feel that the traveling routine has run it's course yet contrarily, I really wish that I could have those 3 "missing" weeks back from the feds....just so that I could delay the inevitables of the real world for that much longer (and learn how to truly samba as well). Often times, Brasil is a country of extremes. Whether it be passions (music, loved ones....uh SOCCER) and of course in terms of gaps between social classes. It also possesses the potential to become one of the greatest countries on Earth, as I and many Brasilians already know is true. It's just a matter of realizing this potential and continuing to move forward (as it says on the national flag :ORDEM E PROGRESSO = ORDER AND PROGRESS) and I identify with these values very much personally. This is partly the reason why I have become so passionate for this country.

This will surely not be my last time here (RT airline tix have dropped by over 40%!!!...although the $ is a bit weaker). There are many other places to visit here which I've yet to see, especially more natural areas.

As for the Português, I am content with where I am at but I know that I can become even stronger. One hinderance has been my tendency to be on the quiet side, which doesn't bode well for my speech training. Becoming even stronger in the language will be an on-going challenge (especially since I've left!)

To anyone with an interest in visiting Brasil I would say DO IT! It is a marvelous place, but do it right. Anyone can be accused of being a gringo (which isn't necessarily derogatory in Brasil like it is in say...Mexico or any other former SPANISH colony) but as long you make an anywhere's quite easy to gain acceptance and a whole new world will open up to you. Without a doubt this was the best time of my life and totally worth all of the preparations and obstacles in the 16-month buildup to this adventure. My B-day/New Year's is only 4 1/2 months away.....see you again in RIO. FELIZ 2010 BOAS FESTAS...;)

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