Friday, January 23, 2009

Feeling warm and fozzy in Iguaçu

This is hopefully the only whirlwind period in my voyage. After spending a considerable amount of time in Buenos Aires, I have made it safe and sound to the border region of Iguaçu. You can see why Brasil and Argentina each wanted a piece of this paradise! My flight out of BA was at 7am. This allowed me enough of a window to get to my hostel after the 2hr flight, visit the Argentine side of the falls, spend one night, and get to Brasil the following day (today). What wasn´t helpful : My hostel in Buenos Aires had a rooftop bbq gala on my final night so I stayed up until 2am practicing my portuguese drunk talk (yet again) with the sizeable brasilian contingent staying there with me. On two hours of sleep, I was still able to make my connections and got to my next hostel no problem. Since I was a little tired I decided to sign up for a guided tour. Part of the tour included a power raft trip under the falls. It was a nice way to wake up on a hot day. Crossing the border today into Brasil was interesting. I took a bus and we all got off to go through outgoing Argentine custom formalities. When we got to the Brasilian office, I was singled out and had to go to immigrations. I thought this was weird because I know for a fact there were other Americans/Foreigners/Gringos on the same bus...anyway they were really nice to me there (much like at the Consulate in SF). Most of the officials were teenage/early 20´s and they gave me good directions to my next hostel. The Brasilian side of the park offers great perspective of the entire waterfall system whereas the Argentine side allows you to get more up close. This may be evident in my facebook pictures (if you want to see more pics of my trip I recommend you sign up for a free facebook account). I have a 16 hour bus ride tommorow night to Florianópolis. It is definitely going to be worth the ride. I will be able to hang up my clothes and thusly not have to live out of a suitcase for at least6 weeks! My stay there will allow me just enough time to visit all of the 42 beaches around the city (I think). I am going to live just a short walk away from my school with a Brasilian family; consisting of a single mother who has a daughter. Her parents live in the lower level of the house. I am interested to see how living in a family dynamic will work out and I am excited to get there as I have already made contacts in this city outside of my school. There should be plenty to keep me busy. See you from there!!!

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