Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Endless summer

Hey its been a minute. Apologies for the long interval. I´ve become quite accustomed to Florianópolis and at the same time I am somewhat wary of the travel routine which awaits me in about 10 days. Before then, I have to apply for my Visa extension with the Federal Police. Doing this here in Florianópolis is ideal as the city is much smaller than other Brasilian state capitals such as São Paulo or Rio, and thusly shouldn´t be as much of a hassle (plus I´m still whippin´the Fiat for Xtra convenience). I´m also taking the time to really buckle down on the P-guese. Taking private classes for 3 hours every weekday has worked wonders for my conversation skills but it is difficult for me to retain all of the new information which is constantly coming in! I also recently had the school move me to a much better homestay setting. The place I was at originally was owned by a single mom who lived alone. She had me stay in her teenage daughter´s room while the she was doing a student exchange in Santa Barbara (uh..). I had trouble sleeping due to the humidity and the threat of being eaten alive by mosquitos (her house was near a small stream which intensified the pest situation). The tipping point for me was that my Brasilian Mom was also having a casual fling w/ the owner of my language school. So he was always around....this seemed kind of like a conflict of interests to me...and I got sick of seeing him everywhere.

A typical element to any self respecting middle class Brasilian neighboorhood is: GAURD DOGS Almost everyone has one. This made for interestning walks to school as many of them would lye in wait and try to surprise me by scrambling up to the gate and snarling. Also when one starts barking at night...of course the whole lot gets the point where they dont know what they are barking at anymore (15mins in)...except at eachother I guess and possibly with the motive of keeping everyone awake. In the mornings during the work week one is serendaded by the ambient synthesized horn music played by....the GAS MAN TRUCK. Many Brasilian homes still rely on external gas supply for their ovens etc.. so every once in awhile..when you are awoken by the soothing sounds of what seems like a Brian Eno song...and you need some´d better get your ass out of bed right quick before they drive away!

I dont mean to be too critical..these are just some unique observations about the neighboorhood and as I said where I live now is a lot better. They have a pool even! I guess its a matter of taking the good with the not so good..

After over 2 months away I notice that Im a bit more relaxed and I hope to gain a greater perspective before I return to the US. It seems that its still winter in the 206?! am I glad to have gotten the hell out of there! My current plan has me working my way north to the ultra-megapolis of São Paulo (by way of the modern Curitiba) before flying to the Northeast region (most likely beginning in Recife). I eventually have to work my way south again to Rio before I fly home....when that is Im not sure exactly...sometime in June most likely...just enough time to broaden horizons that much more!


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